Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Owin.Security

Total dependencies: 674

Server components for Simplicity Health Systems Starling apps
Abstractions of ASP.NET Identity Entity Framework to coincide with JM0ney project architecture.
AngularJS starter kit Spa secured server
Wires an API project with Owin Authentication to add /Token, /RefreshTokens, /Auth/Register and /Auth/PasswordReset endpoints
C# class library that adds grid functionality to ASP.NET MVC.
An examine indexer that uses Apache TIKA
UFP Identity Library for C#
Our approach to Atomic Design principles in Umbraco. See readme for usage details (
RekTec XStudio
Provides server part of Realmius sync engine.
Utility library for generating TypeScript hub definitions for a Signalr assembly.
A simple and intuitive package which allows editors to find and replace content in Umbraco.
A custom Notification Gateway Provider service for sending notifications with SendGrid
Appson Common libraries for .NET is a set of utilities and extensions that are used frequently in different projects.