Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives

Total dependencies: 312

Shim library to make porting existing ASP.NET 4.x apps to Cloud Foundry easier.
ShopifySharp is a C# and .NET library that helps developers easily authenticate with and manage Shopify stores.
BizwebSharp is a C# and .NET client library for API, and now is web store API
QuickPay SDK for .NET Core. Open Source client for QuickPay's API and others deriving from QuickPay such as CoolPay.
MongoDb based identity framework for Asp.Net Core 2, forked from the excellent work from Matteo Fabbri
Authorization integration for SFA.DAS
Functionality for interacting with YouTube APIs.
Efect is repository pattern implementation on top of Entity Framework.
Image Base64 rendering Tag helper. Put img asp-render-base64='true' and in the _ViewImports @addTagHelper *, AspNetCore.Mvc.ImageBase64
Lightweight Localization Library for ASP.NET 5
ASP.NET 5 common helper methods.
ASP.NET 5 HTTP feature interface definitions.
Linq to Graphs
Allows to route a SQS message to a specific endpoint on the Worker instead of having a single endpoint handling all the messages.
ASP.NET Core FileProvider for Azure Blob Storage. For more information see