Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Options.ConfigurationExtensions

Total dependencies: 1695

Azure Cognitive Search Implementation for Search
Middleware for Function Features * Logs requests redacted (With "api" in route) * Logs responses redacted and status codes (With "api" in route) * Adds Telemetry * Handles Auth * Handles correlation Ids * Catch all uncaught exceptions and log them redacted
Smart Application Framework (SAF) Toolbox Services.
Azure Cognitive Services speech recognition
Generate & Validate Jwt/Jwe tokens
Package for adding Kubernetes environment variables, ConfigMaps and Secrets to .NET applications
Xye.Bsf框架核心类,实现模块化管理,依赖等基本功能;来源于abp vNext 3.0.5
Send log events to Google Cloud BigQuery
Package Description
📊 HttpTracker - Http请求跟踪器
.NET Core 3.1 Console application template with appsettings configuration, dependency injection, and some useful extensions.
A concrete implementation of Logger employing Serilog
Additions and extensions for .NET data-protection (ASP.NET Core).
Package Description
Set of tools to help during the creation of the DDD Infrastructure layer
Package Description