Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Options.ConfigurationExtensions

Total dependencies: 1695

Stripe Integration for cloudscribe Membership Paywall
ASP.NET Core Middleware package that contains middleware components for ASK SDK and ASP.NET Core.
Bunder is a .NET Core AspNetCore front-end asset bundling manager and rendering handler.
阿里开源nacos的配置读取、监听,适配nacos 1.1.4 版本api接口
DotNet Core high performance Redis manage, incorporating both synchronous and asynchronous usage.
Framework to ease creation of Amazon StepFunction workers using dotnet core 微服务应用中,在业务逻辑层 通过grpc 与下游通信,此项通过Consul 构建Grpc管道
.NET Core Common
Simple REST based repository interface to LiteDB and MongoDB
Database model and context for maintaining a MultiChain transaction log external to your blockchain nodes.
Biblioteca para configuração de token JwtBearer.
Package Description
Pacote para utilização em Web APIs AspNetCore, esta biblioteca está pré-configurada para armazenmento e leitura de dados em Cache Redis.
Core of the strongly typed handling of RDF in-memory data sets.
This project allows you to control how EntityFrameworkCore will scaffold your DbContext and models using database-first approach.
A client for interacting with the UW Group Web Service (GWS)