Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions
Total dependencies: 3471
Borg infrastructure libraries
Provides a hosting mechanism for running multiple concurrent jobs. Failure in anyone job signals all over jobs to cancel.
A ReflectInsight logger implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
Logging extensions and event ID enum implementation.
Commonly used types:
A FTP client library compatible with .NET core >= 2.0. and .NET classic framework >= 2.0. It can resume previously interrupted uploads (tested with Microsoft FTP Service).
Depends only on Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions for .NET core and .NET classic framework >= 4.6.1.
Depends on Wheel....
cloudscribe database helpers for MS SQL and SqlAzure
Asynchronous JSON-formatted console/stdout logging for .NET Core.
NBlockchain is a toolkit for developers to build their own blockchain applications.
Dora.ExceptionHandling is a policy driven automatic exception handling framework. This package provides some built-in exception handlers.
CHIMP source camera tree metadata provider
CHIMP SDM camera metadata providers
CHIMP CHDK camera metadata providers
CHIMP camera metadata base providers
Microservice Framework based on Durable Task Framework
Request/Response pattern for IDbConnection/IDbCommand
A ReflectInsight Logger implementation for ASP.NET Core.