Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 3471

Set ConnectionString manually, Enable internal Debugging, Show configuration messages
Components for providing real-time bi-directional communication across the Web.
Sockets for Xeeny, A framework for building and consuming services on devices and servers that support .net standard. It is Cross Platform, Duplex, Multiple Transports, Asynchronous, Typed Proxies, Configurable, and Extendable
A generic, strongly typed client.
An asynchronous wrapper library for
Client for chat/live events
Utilitary middleware for ASP.NET Core applications.
Facturación CFDI 3.3 LOS Retencion 1.0
Library to simplify the hosting of console applications by making it easier to setup dependency injection, logging and configurations.
Provides component status evaluation to integrate with monitoring services
Allows activity to be batched together in the background
Web scocket middleware; a wrapper over AspNetCore.WebSocket
MicroElements is small components for fast start.
A full featured implementation of the API reference.
Fast aggergating CloudWatch Metrics publisher
The Vanguard Framework is a framework for developing database driven web applications and web services. It combines a set of design patterns and best practices to kick start your project.
Block Spammer IPs on your website using honey pot project api. See for details.
Common used functions when working with DurableTaskFramework and MicroServices.