Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection

Total dependencies: 4231

Dapper extensions, suport expression to sql ,so you can use dapper like ef.
A Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection-based type resolver for Postie
Library to make using the Options configuration pattern easier. Just add the ConfigurationObject attribute and ConfigureAll!
ASP.NET Core helper library to deal with a Domain layer.
Provides a fluent way to configure your DbContext's Model
SharpDL aims to provide a managed, cross-platform, simple framework with graphics, input, audio, and event systems using SDL2. Games created with this library should strive to be lightweight and portable. Currently, SharpDL only supports utilizing the built-in SDL 2D rendering system and does not su...
Full featured SoundCloud API wrapper
ASP.NET Core extensions for Facebook MessengerThreadSettings Platform .NET client. GitHub Repository:
微信公众号快速开发框架(WX MP QuickFramework) Net Core 2.0版本
Take control of the data your API returns. PlazaApi Implementation
Library logging core requests and events.
MongoDb persistance for Stactive
Azure CosmosDB Provider to support AspNet Identity Core frameworks for .NET. Important! This package has been renamed to ElCamino.AspnetCore.Identity.CosmosDB. Upgrade/breaking change info here
a ton bugs. just for test.
Help functions for Azure rest api using IHttpClientFactory injection.
ASP.Net Core middleware which exchanges reference tokens issued by Identity Server 4 for a JWT to be used in calls to downstream services.
StackExchange.Redis extensions tool. Easy use redis in core.