Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection

Total dependencies: 4231

WebScale wrapper arround Minor.Nijn framework.
Contains container builder and module, that allows you to use dependency injection in pretty much anywhere
Enables binding environment variables to classes.
NetModular Module Admin(权限管理) - Infrastructure
NetModular data integration
Library for apply configuration to web app before start
Storm framework for API with aspnet core
Dependency Injection components for AspNetCore
Packages provide CORE interfaces that are used in .NET Core apps bootstrapping. Interfaces allows one to extend the pipeline with custom/optional extension methods to configure extra features, such as security, messaging, etc.
MVC Library for Twino Http Server
Process manager definition builder.
Provides a dependency injection implementation based on the Microsoft.Extensions.DependecyInjection framework. Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services: - IAmbientServices.BuildWithDependencyInjection(). Kephas Framework ("stone" in aramaic) aims to d...
The Base Testing Framework for Unit, Functional and Integration Tests.
Microsoft Container support for Aggregates.NET
Package Description
Plugin Manager extend any C#/.Net based application enabling support for plugin modules
This package wraps the Analytics Reporting API making it easier to use.
.NET Core 3.1 ile geliştirilmiş Akbank, İş Bankası, HalkBank, Ziraat Bankası, Türk Ekonomi Bankası(TEB), INGBank, Türkiye Finans, AnadoluBank, HSBC, Deniz Bank, QNB Finansbank, Garanti Bankası, Kuveyt Türk, Yapı Kredi ve Vakıfbank Sanal Entegrasyonları
This package includes .Net Standard converters, extension, helpers... It is part of the Yugen Toolkit.
Easy repositories for .Net built on Dapper.