Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection

Total dependencies: 4231

Dependency Injection for CommandQuery
Package Description
A htmlHelper for jquery datatable . This helper provides server side ability with wrapping jquery datatable. Create a datatable without knowing jquery datatable usage.
DLB.EventBus.Transport.Kafa es un paquete nugget que permite la intercomunicación con un broker de mensajería kafka.
Support to generate an OpenAPI (f.k.a. Swagger) v3 document for HTML triggered functions in Azure Function Apps. This document can easily be used to generate a Json response, or to generate HTML documentation.
A handy toolkit to easy interaction with the "Have I Been Pwned" website. You can collect relevant breach data, pastes and check if a password is compromised. This uses Dependency Injection, and require your HIBP Api Key to be added in startup
This package wraps the AccuRanker API making it easier to use.
Tyrion is a mediator implementation for dotnet
Package Description
Extention methods for redis, implemented redis lock and some other features. it's easy to use, for .net core implement injection "services.AddRedisStore(configuration, "redis"); where "redis" is section for get configuration
AppCenter logger provider implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.
Use Razor to build your templates from strings / files / EmbeddedResources outside of ASP.NET MVC for .NET Core
BLiP Extensions' extensions to include logs, including a TCP/HTTP ISender factory
Features that enable globalization & localization of MVC applications.
Software Pioniere Fx Event Store Library
Pacote com abstração para EventBus com AzureServiceBus utilizando Topicos e Filas
It providers basic feautures for application devlop. There are Module/Feature, IOC and Object Mapper. IoC is implemented by Autofac. Object Mapper is implemented by AutoMapper.