Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 4746

Diagnostics.NET is a simple library that allows your ASP.NET Core applications to subscribe to DiagnosticSource events and process them.
GihanSoft Cryptography PBKDF2 Hash
E-mail sending services for ASP.NET Core applications using the Mandrill service.
MassTransit middleware that allows to pass a logging scope from a producer to a consumer through the message headers
Strongly typed event sourcing framework that uses CosmosDb as a datastore with strong consistency and resiliency.
Repositório genérico para o MongoDB.
Package Description
This package helps you to build messaging job on attributes.
This is a simple API client library for Hargreaves Lansdown ISAs. It provides basic functionality to access HL resources programmatically. This is not an official package.
Scan assemblies for IParser<> implementations and register them to IOC.
Libreria que permite conectar a SSO Identity Server
EventSourcing, ES, CQRS, DDD, Projection
A simple Ansible Vault implementation for .net core
Types to add Relay support to graphql-dotnet
Authorized action with MediatR flavour.
Go global with this simple library for currency formatting, number formatting and message translation supporting a wide range of customization through custom factory implementations.
Work guidelines for implementing CQRS using supporting infrastructure for DDD
Package helps to bootstrap a full framework application to PCF, for enabling actuators and metrics forwarder