Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json

Total dependencies: 2342

AWS CDK library for devon4net
Configuration library for devon4net webapi template
Library providing access to reporting services web services to render reports.
AppSettings reader with helper methods like GetInt(), GetBool() etc.
20210626 1、加入事务特性 2、重构底层工作单元
Tools for Entity Framework Code First Support InMemory ; SqlServer ; PosqtgreSql ; Sqlite ; MySql ; Oracle
A very opinionated library to do pull request analysis around commenting behaviors, approvals, etc.
Simple and light bruteforce protection for .NET CORE 3.1+ This Lib will protect defined actions in your controllers in making them inefficient to be bruteforced for simple soulutions. It will append request times in ms if a local cache entry on the server was found for the same request & reques...
The opc-ua-pubsub-dotnet client is a library which implements OPC UA PubSub communication via MQTT protocol in a simplified way. It's not offering the full flexibility of OPC UA PubSub, but it supports encoding and decoding of all data types which are used by Siemens SICAM A8000 and SICAM Gri...
SinGooCMS.Ado 支持netstandard2.1和net framework 4.6.1,原生sql语句操作,支持SqlServer、MySql、Sqlite、Oracle
Rollbar collects errors that happen in your application, notifies you, and analyzes them so you can debug and fix them.
expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet like ngrok and frp
.NET Core Redis 封装服务
.NET Core Common 基础库
万能包-逆血著作 (未经本人许可,不可擅自进行任何交易), 由逆血本人持有:联系方式QQ:1477863629, 有任何优化建议,请联系作者,作者很愿意讨论和学习。 .Net 5.0 尝鲜版
Implementations of services, bootstrapper for dependency injection.