Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json

Total dependencies: 2342

全龄段友好的C#万能工具库,码数吐司库,不管你是菜鸟新手还是骨灰级玩家都能轻松上手,Masuit.Tools基础公共库(适用于.NET4.6.1/.NET Standard2.0及以上项目),包含一些常用的操作类,大都是静态类,加密解密,反射操作,Excel简单导出,权重随机筛选算法,分布式短id,表达式树,linq扩展,文件压缩,多线程下载和FTP客户端,硬件信息,字符串扩展方法,日期时间扩展操作,中国农历,大文件拷贝,图像裁剪,验证码,断点续传,集合扩展等常用封装。 官网教程: github:https...
Classes for filing work items in either GitHub or AzureDevOps.
Base classes, utilities, and extensions to facilitate writing tests for Sitefinity.
WinPure API is a component written for state of the art fuzzy matching, data profiling, and data cleansing – amongst its most common uses are duplicate prevention, inquiry, deduplication and merge/purge. It can be used to add advanced data cleansing and state of the art fuzzy duplicate search ...
This package provides an Xperience custom module to auto-register the ASPNET Core appsettings.json as Xperience's configuration source. This is useful in Console applications which do not use an IHostBuilder to configure the application.
A small framework that translates classes and methods to menu items and menu options in a console app
SQL Server script seeding package for Entity Framework Core
Core library for YY.DBTools - a set of libraries for working with a DBMS
Library for exporting SQL Server XEvent logs to ClickHouse
支付通用库。 官方网址: 开源库地址:
实体对象基类,及其常用操作。 常用操作包括:对象转换、序列化、日志、常用异常处理、依赖注入。
SciterCore package for .Net applications
This contains a custom ASP.NET Core session state middleware using NCache Enterprise.
This library was created to facilitate the configure on startup of the applications witch CouchDb.Repository.Helper
Kharazmi.AspNetCore.Core is a Lightweight and Extensible Infrastructure for provides common scenarios' solutions for ASP.NET Core applications.
Test Framework Core, Any Test should be using this solution, as it brings a super set of methods for Testing
TrueCommerce Foundry Core shared library
This contains a custom ASP.NET Core session state middleware using NCache OpenSource.