Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 1957

Package Description
Convenience package that offers support to retrieve Basic Credentials via Aws Secrets Manager API.
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
基于AspNetCore WebApi的功能封装和扩展
Package to provide a IHttpClientFactory to consume certificate authenticated Audis services.
Windows and certificate based authentication extensions for Audis services.
Package Description
configuration for the system
Help for building and running console tools. Includes a menu system and have support for drawing tables with scrolling and selecting rows.
Package Description
Package Description
Provides a simple CRUD functionality to your entity models. Example: var childUsers = new Users().SelectWhereOrderBy("Age <= 17"); How to implement: - Add EZCRUD reference to your model library. - Inherit Model_RecordBase for each model. - Set EZCRUD's connection string ("DBAccess.DBSettings.Conne...
Split ocelot config into multiple files