Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory

Total dependencies: 1223

A Package to make more simplicity in coding.
Analysis module of Trady, a handy library for computing technical indicators, based on .NET Standard 2.0
An implementation of Hot Chocolate persisted queries using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory.IMemoryCache.
Simple extensions for ProblemDetails.
.NET Client Library for PolicyServer Runtime API
.NET Core核心类库
.NET Client Library for PolicyServer Management API
Plugin Manager Shopping cart plugin for managing users checkout experience
LiteX.Cache is a InMemory caching based on on LiteX.Cache.Core and Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory. Small library for manage cache with InMemory. A quick setup for InMemory Caching. Wrapper library is just written for the purpose to bring a new level of ease to the developers who deal with...
The SecurityProvider for DWKit. DWKit is a .NET Core BPM system made with simplicity and flexibility in mind. DWKit allows you to model, automate and execute mission-critical business processes.
FluentCache implementations based on Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory
A .Net client for sensenet that makes it easy to use the REST API of the Content Repository.
Dotnet Rest Interfaces for with dotnet core depedency injection extensions
Entity Framework Core for NCache lets you use NCache as a cache for Entity Framework Core using extension methods. NCache is an extremely fast and scalable in-memory distributed cache that removes performance bottlenecks related to data storage and databases.Note:This integration is supported with E...
A generic implementation of MongoDB, a cross-platform document-oriented database program. Classified as a NoSQL database program, MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with optional schemas....
A generic implementation of Dapper, a high performance Micro-ORM supporting SQL Server, MySQL, Sqlite, SqlCE, Firebird etc...
DNT.Deskly is a Lightweight and Extensible Infrastructure for Building Web Applications