Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory

Total dependencies: 1223

The AWS Secrets Manager .NET caching client enables in-process caching of secrets for C# applications.
MicroPack is a framework for quickly and conveniently creating microservices on .NET Core.
Plugin Manager Easily create documentation from an xml documentation file or provide custom documentation on any website.
Plugin Manager easily add blog functionality to any website
Authentication library for the veracity services sdk for mvc5
The Components to the DotNetTemplates for .NET Core archetecture
Plugin Manager Easily manage errors generated on a website with full support for logging and redirection.
A library to aid in the construction of RESTful Web Services
Simple, lightweight, yet powerful way to build reactive, real-time web apps. Library for .NET Core.
Package Description
Core CSOM (extension) methods to support modernizing your SharePoint sites. Has support for transform classic wiki pages and web part pages into modern client side pages
一个基于 netstandard2.1 开发的简单易用的快速开发框架,遵循领域驱动设计(DDD)规范约束,提供实现事件驱动、事件回溯、响应式等特性的基础设施。让开发者享受到正真意义的面向对象设计模式来带的美感。
Package Description
Fluent Http Client with a fluent APIs which are intuitive, easy to use and also highly extensible.
Microsoft.Recognizers.Text provides base classes for robust recognition and resolution of text entities.
HarmonyCore package that provides base runtime functionality
Proxy to be able to Sync through an ASP.NET CORE application. Choose a Dotmim.Sync provider and protects your database call through web api calls only. This assembly is meant to be used from your ASP.Net core Web Api project, and will handle all http requests calls.
Plugins available for the Core framework