Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory

Total dependencies: 1223

.Net Standard 2.0 工具类库 一般都是自己时长用到的类库 网上很多工具类库很多,挺乱的,自己整理了一套,供自己使用
Fluent Http Client with a fluent APIs which are intuitive, easy to use and also highly extensible.
Defines an in-memory cache that implements Functional.CQS.AOP.Caching.Infrastructure.IFunctionalCache
A basic http client with logging and deserialization.
Straightforward database for .NET applications which helps you store data with minimal overhead.
Package Description
KmopoFramework cache implement for MemoryCache
Contains abstractions and implementations for some basic Serenity features like authorization, caching, localization, dependency resolution, reflection...
NLog extension to log in Azure Tables, creating a separated table for each month of the year
Package Description
Package Description
DeedQuant.Exchange 旨于实现一套统一的基于 .net/c# api 的加密货币交易平台接口封装,支持REST和Web套接字
OAuth 2 Token Client which automatically caches the authentication server response.
Extension for XIVAPI .NET Wrapper. Allows dependency injection via services for ASP .NET Core projects.