Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory

Total dependencies: 1223

Office 365 Graph API Helper for ASP.NET CoreMVC Project
This is helper build of the BotDetect CAPTCHA nuget meant to be used ONLY with ASP.NET Core code running on top of legacy 4.5.1+ .NET frameworks. For the legacy ASP.NET code on legacy .NET, or for ASP.NET Core code on .NET Core frameworks you have to use our main CAPTCHA nuget. For the descriptio...
Image Base64 rendering Tag helper. Put img asp-render-base64='true' and in the _ViewImports @addTagHelper *, AspNetCore.Mvc.ImageBase64
Multi-tenancy support for ASP.NET Core.
Multi-tenancy support for ASP.NET Core using StructureMap.
Utilities and Extensions for AspNet Core
Open Source Workflow Engine in .NET Core2.1 Framework
Fileprovider for app.UseStaticFiles with support for in memory caching.
Package Description
A simple and fast IoC Container for .Net
.Net Core Client Extensions for HTTP
Rafy Domain Entity Framework User Guide:
Caching abstraction library.
Extension libs and utilities of DotQuery, a lightweight query result caching framework for .NET
Cache abstraction for NetStandard 1.3