Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 812

model classes for cloudscribe Membership Paywall
model classes for Dynamic Authorization Policy for ASP.NET Core
Generic memory IMemoryCache<T> and distributed IDistributedCache<T> cache. Combined cache: check in memory first and perform fallback to distributed cache.
.Net Standard 2.0 工具类库 一般都是自己时长用到的类库 网上很多工具类库很多,挺乱的,自己整理了一套,供自己使用
Creating a multilingual website with ASP.NET Core will allow your site to reach a wider audience. ASP.NET Core provides services and middleware for localizing into different languages and cultures. In order to extend built-in localization structure of Core, I extended it and you can create X...
Creating a multilingual website with ASP.NET Core will allow your site to reach a wider audience. ASP.NET Core provides services and middleware for localizing into different languages and cultures. In order to extend built-in localization structure of Core, I extended it and you can create X...
A way to get Traffic Restriction of some cities.
Distributed cache implementation of Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed.IDistributedCache using ServiceStack.Redis.Core
Package Description
Package Description
Extensions to the Microsoft.Extensions.Caching namespace
Strongly typed event sourcing framework that uses CosmosDb as a datastore with strong consistency and resiliency.
Distributed cache implementation of Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed.IDistributedCache using SQLite.
Unofficial client library for The COVID Tracking Project,
Package Description
This library allows translation from a service using cached XML files based translations for a Blazor project
Persisted Queries for Graphql-Dotnet
SimpleCaptcha是一个使用简单,基于.Net Standard 2.0的图形验证码模块。