Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 812

MediatR pipeline caching on the top of the dotnet Core Distributed Caching
An implementation of the IDistributedCache that uses a Stateful Reliable Service Fabric service to act as the cache store. You can use this library to setup a distributed cache and use Service Fabric instead of Redis or SQL Server. Thanks goes to
An implementation of the IDistributedCache that uses a Stateful Reliable Service Fabric service to act as the cache store. You can use this library to setup a distributed cache and use Service Fabric instead of Redis or SQL Server. Thanks goes to
This lib is an extension built on top of the Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.HealthChecks.HealthCheckService that allows the developer to choose to cache any checks they want.
Package Description
DeedQuant.Exchange 旨于实现一套统一的基于 .net/c# api 的加密货币交易平台接口封装,支持REST和Web套接字
Using Apache Ignite as distributed cache infrastructure in .net Core
Creating a multilingual website with ASP.NET Core will allow your site to reach a wider audience. ASP.NET Core provides services and middleware for localizing into different languages and cultures. In order to extend built-in localization structure of Core, I extended it and you can create X...
Class library for creating ASP.Net Core REST level 3 services.
Distributed cache implementation of Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed.IDistributedCache using Azure Table Storage.
ZeroReact tools for AspNetCore, sample here (
High performance distributed cache helper with the support of serialization and deserialization, incorporating both synchronous and asynchronous using implementation of IDistributedCache.
OpenFlights data provider. Serves lists of airports, aircraft, airlines and routes. CSV files are automatically downloaded to the temporal folder, loaded into .NET models and cached in MemoryCache. Please refer to for more details.
Ding是基于.net core平台开发的应用框架中的NetCore核心类库。
Memory cache adapter for command caching
Contains wrapper classes for aspnet/Caching's in-memory and distributed cache.