Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore

Total dependencies: 4049

Provides an ApplyChanges extension method for DbContext that sets EntityState on trackable entities, so they can be saved by a service in a single transaction
Entity Framework implementation of Paradigm repositories.
Migracion de NetStandard 2.1
Lightweight projection handling infrastructure.
Package Description
Easify support for entity framework core and UnitOfWork
Extends Verify ( to allow verification of EntityFramework bits.
A Cross Platform base framework useful for all inhouse projects that use .Net Core.
Extends Entity Framework Core to support some components from Thinktecture.Runtime.Extensions.
YeditepeSoft Framework .NET Core 6.0.x
.NET Toolkits (class libraries) containing reusable code for speeding up development of any .NET applications. NKit.Standard is the .NET Standard compatible version of NKit. NKit.Windows is the .NET Framework compatbile version of NKit. NKit.Core is the latest .NET Core compatible version of N...
Series architectures for fast product construction.
Quickly setup JWT authentication endpoints in an ASP.NET web application or in HTTP Azure Functions. Never setup authentication manually again!
EF Core 存储过程执行组件,可以按照ORM方式执行存储过程
Glader.ASP.Authentication is a basic OAuth/Identity/JWT library for simple Authentication needs. Provides a quality Refit HTTP client interface as well as Entity Framework Core Database, Repository and ASP Controller for doing simple authentication and authorization.
Glader.ASP.RPGCharacter is an ASP Core, EntityFramework, Refit-based and JSON-based Role-playing Game Character library.
Structure Basical: Extensions Methods, Sql DbContext, Sql Repository & UnitOfWork, Mongo DbContext, Mongo Repository & UnitOfWork, Mongo GridFs, Utilities, Exception Handler, ApiResponse
Library to access database with Unit of Work, Repository and Entity classes for Entity Framework Core.
Emeraude Framework is a powerful library providing abstractions, builders and ready to use ASP.NET Core structure for creating SEO friendly web applications based on SSR Vue.js and mobile applications based on Xamarin Forms.