Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore

Total dependencies: 4049

dotConnect for Oracle is an enhanced database connectivity solution built over ADO.NET architecture and a development framework with advanced support for ORMs, such as Entity Framework and EF Core, and offers a complete solution for developing DB-related applications and web sites.
A library to provide domain event handling to EF Core.
A self-hosted, easy to use realtime database
Lightweight projection handling infrastructure.
Plugins available for the Core framework
Log exception details and custom properties that are not output in Exception.ToString(). Contains custom destructurers for Entity Framework Core exceptions.
Dynamic Linq extensions for Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore which adds Async support
PostgreSQL/Npgsql provider for Entity Framework Core.
Easy Mock wrapper for mocking EntityFrameworkCore 5 (EFCore5) DbContext and DbSet using Moq
Support for storing keys using Entity Framework Core. This package was built from the source code at
A set of useful extensions for EntityFrameworkCore (Enum Lookup Tables, Naming of tables / properties / keys, Pluralize).
EntityFrameworkCore migrations for Quartz.NET
MicroPack is a framework for quickly and conveniently creating microservices on .NET Core.
A library which is able to decompile a delegate or a method body to its lambda representation
Add EntityFramework Core IQueryable support to GraphQL
一个基于 netstandard2.1 开发的简单易用的快速开发框架,遵循领域驱动设计(DDD)规范约束,提供实现事件驱动、事件回溯、响应式等特性的基础设施。让开发者享受到正真意义的面向对象设计模式来带的美感。
SQL Localizer for ASP.NET Core, dotnet