Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
Total dependencies: 4049
Provider for Microsoft EntityFramework Core in Chakra.Core framework
UoW and Repository Pattern with EF
Create simple pagination handling for items in ASP.NET core for MicrosoftEntityFramework and Simple list of items
Расширения для IQueryable
Package Description
Entity Framework Core refresh token store for JWT Simple Server
Support to using EF6-like api in EntityFramework Core 3.x
Repository pattern abstraction for Entity Framework Core.
Utilities and guidance to manage catalogue tables with Entity Framework Core based on C# enums
This is a repository pattern for Entity Framework (EF) Core.
The fastest and smoothest way to great architecture
Entity Framework Core operators for FluentRestBuilder.
Helper classes for developing .NET Core applications - Data / Repository layer
The repository implementation for Microsoft Entity Framework Core.
Package Description
Package Description