Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
Total dependencies: 4049
A .Net Core REST API builder that auto generates EF entities automapped to CRUD models and exposes them in a react-admin - compatible REST dialect.
ImpartLab Repository Services Library Core support for ImpartLab.MultiTenant.
Common modules and classes for Hanatech IoT platforms
This package contains mostly used EFCore Helpers elements.
Nuget desarrollado para facilitar el uso de automappers, bussiness logic, extensiones, seguridad, swashbuckle y validators para el desarrollo de aplicaciones empresariales.
You can use ASP.NET Core ApplicationDbContext like a portable library.
It's funny and it's very easy to use.
In this "ApplicationDbContext" the name of the Identity tables is modified, for example, you have the name of the "Users" table instead of "AspNetCoreIdentityUser".
In this library, we have e...
Vadim Lubimov extensions and helpers
Core Infrastructure services and helpers
.net core entity framework tools and web api tools
Package Description
This is a modified version of Fazzani's pg-efcore-copy ( This has been modified to work with varchars with a set length.
Libreria para manejo de core de data del framework
Infrastructure Data layer classes for BIA.Net Core Framework
Package Description
This package contains entity framework core base entity type configuration for MsSql, MySql, PostgreSql.
Core functionality for .NET Core applications in the Miracum project at the university hospital of gießen