Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore

Total dependencies: 4049

Integration testing tools for sql projects
Set of classes used for Go app services.
Package for Management of Users and Tenants
Repository pattern for various actions including paginations with EntityframeworkCore
Tools for EF Code First Support InMemory ; SqlServer ; PosqtgreSql ; Sqlite ; MySql ;
通用工具包 2018.08.06 增加微信企业付款至个人零钱 2020.08.05 增加微信小程序发红包 2020.06.02 增加阿里云图片处理 2020.05.29 增加阿里云发送短信
Package Description
This library contains the interfaces and implementations for the generic repository pattern.
Package Description
Package Description
Provides Generic Web Api Controllers to perform CRUD operations against a Sql Server, including Temporal Tables (GenericDtoController), with DTO support (GenericDtoController), Authorized controller (GenericAuthDtoController)
The package contains the models related to save data in database.
Contains base data definitions for use in Gameteki derived projects
Auditlog extensions for minor.nijn.webscale
Package Description