Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore

Total dependencies: 4049

It adds EF Core capability to Core.EventStore
NViser.Core.Data is including dto and entity classes for services and databases
This extension aims to simplify ConnectionString definition for Development and Production environments when adding DbContext to our .Net Core project.
FlightRecorder EF Core Database Layer
ef and dapper repository.
DotNet Core high performance MySql manage
Test Package for share specific architucture common blocks
G.Core Utilities for common tasks in any application development.
Contains the logic to handle DI and Controller creation necessary to implement ApiFramework. ApiFramework is designed to replace the need for manual Controller creation. It uses the concept of EntityFramework's Code First approach, but applied to WebApi REST endpoints. Build your models, assign t...
CyberBizSoft's Casual EFData
Basic Repositry layer for an onion architecture
Easily configure your entities mapping in separe class and add them in one line
Package Description
EFSeeder is an Entity Framework utility helper to migrate and seed your DbContext. It is useful when seeding data relies on DI (for instance, a tenant context) and can be quickly configured in a standalone console app.
A utility library in .Net Standard 2.1 to easily add patterns such as Command, Query, Dispatcher, Interception..and use of Optional.
Adds clear model property values examples for swagger UI while using EF core + Automapper
KSG.Domain is base of domaine service of frame work for application
KSG.Data.Core is base repository of framework for web application