Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational

Total dependencies: 1404

EFCore common code for TalkAbout forums solution
Package Description
Package Description
Contribution functionality for Finbuckle.MultiTenant adding an EF Core DbContext that stores the Items dictionary, as well as an EF Core Store that caches tenants using the IMemoryCache.
Allows for adding custom key/value pairs to existing entity types for the BlueBoxMoon.Data.EntityFramework package. This can be done without having to modify the database schema of the entity you are adding facets to.
A set of classes to aid in rapid development of Entity Framework Core applications.
Package Description
DynamicHub, DefaultRequestResponseLoggingHandler, RawHtmlInjectMiddleware, ProtectFolderMiddleware
Entity Framework Core data access for applications based on VoidCore.Model.
Database access library, support ef core and dapper.
WeSmart ALPR Core services with EntityFrameworkCore stores
RabbitMQ and Postgres HealthCheck
Package Description
舜禹框架Core 3.0
FileMaker Provider for Entity Framework Core
关系型数据库的仓储封装 ,如需使用此层的数据访问,需要将RepositoryExtensions方法中的两个扩展方法,注入到Startup中,并配置参数
EonLib. Data persistence Entity Framework Core components.
EF Core-backed Persistence for JasperFx Applications