Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational

Total dependencies: 1404

LeanCode Core library
LeanCode Core library
NViser.Core.Data is including dto and entity classes for services and databases
Miscellaneous helpful tools
G.Core Utilities for common tasks in any application development.
CyberBizSoft's Casual EFData
DotNet Core high performance MySql manage
新增批量上传日志 修复Header等配置不生效问题
Support MsSql 2016 Json column function to working with Entity Framework Core 6.0
A Collection of .Net Core Utilities and Helper classes
setup for orm repository pattern
This project allows you to control how EntityFrameworkCore will scaffold your DbContext and models using database-first approach.
EFcore based Outbox for Eventfully
MSFramework is a lightweight DDD framework
Data repository for EntityFrameworkCore