Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB Client library

Total dependencies: 171

CosmosDB (DocumentDB) database provider for Weapsy.Cqrs event store.
A lib for Microshop Ltd, internal use only, while we cannot control if you intend to use :-)
A light-weight .Net Standard/Framework library for CosmosDb graph repositories
EventWay is a modular Event Source + CQRS framework.
Currently it supports below query mappings: primitive: field => c.field parent/child => c.parent.child Namespace.EnumType'enumVal' => 'enumVal' queries: $select => SELECT $filter => WHERE $top => TOP $orderby => OR...
eShopWorld cahching extensions for cosmos DB
.NET extensions to support concurrent-aware operations on Azure DocumentDB that will let you detect and act easily on concurrency faults.
A simple cosmos db client
Azure CosmosDB Provider to support AspNet Identity Core frameworks for .NET. Important! This package has been renamed to ElCamino.AspnetCore.Identity.CosmosDB. Upgrade/breaking change info here
Contains an implementation of a Reader/Write sink for AzureDocumentDb for the Invisionware Settings Library
.NET Core Toolbox methods used for the GRIP team.
CosmosDB persistence adapter package that contains a default implementation of ASK SDK Persistence Adapter for .Net Core.
CosmosDB (SQL API) database provider for OpenCQRS domain store.
Cosmos DB integration SFA.DAS
Cosmos DB integration SFA.DAS
Scaffolding to support sub-collections in Azure Cosmos DB. Sub-collections can enable cost reductions, particularly for small deployments with small Azure Cosmos DB provisioned throughput.
CosmosAutoScaler provides auto-scale capabilities to increase the performance of the operations while keeping the cost to the minimum. Cosmos autoscale handles the single and bulk operations seperately. During the single operation, CosmosAutoScaler will send requests by keeping the RU minimum until ...