Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB Client library

Total dependencies: 171

CosmosDB (DocumentDB) database provider for Weapsy.Cqrs event store.
Package Description
A library with core functionality for Service Fabric applications.
Dolittle is a platform designed to build Line of Business applications without sacrificing architectural quality, code quality or scalability.
F# client for Cosmos DB
App Metrics Azure DocumentDB health checks.
Azure Cosmos db Auto Scale.
Miscellaneous utilities used for various training sessions related to technology.
Package Description
Cosmos DB data provider for Stimulsoft products. Azure Cosmos DB is Microsoft's proprietary globally distributed, multi-model database service "for managing data at planet-scale" launched in May 2017. It is schema-agnostic, horizontally scalable, and generally classified as a NoSQL database.
Library for the storage of application settings within a CosmosDB SQL database
Common data model library for Revolution Platform.
EventSourcing, ES, CQRS, DDD, Projection
Cosmos repository - allows storage/retrieval of documents in Cosmos. For details on how to use this package see the ReadMe file that is part of this repository.
CosmosDB (SQL API) database provider for Kledex domain store.
A set of components to accelerate the implementation of Azure based projects that make following SOLID principles easier and more natural.
A package for managing versionning of your CosmosDB objects (stored procedure, trigger ...) and migrating your data as your schema changes.
Package containing CosmosDb Implementation