Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebUtilities

Total dependencies: 319

A fork of for .NET Core.
SpeedTest.Net client library to test internet bandwidth using
The official BlueCats Loop API client
Client SDK for accessing Connect2Pay from C# applications
为云梦微站量身打造的防CSRF类库 1.此次更改增加对例外路径配置的支持 2.去掉用户信息 3.去掉对DataPortect的依赖 4.支持自定义Token域名设置 5.优化token缺失的错误提示方式,提高性能
Application Component for the Alliance Business Suite.
Bunder is a .NET Core AspNetCore front-end asset bundling manager and rendering handler.
HttpClient extensions for calling APIs secured with Csg.AspNetCore.Authentication.ApiKey authentication.
轻松将你的 .NET 应用 与 UCenter(PHP)、DiscuzX 整合。
Lightweight client to invoke RPC services built with RPC.NET
Custom Http Client optimized for ImPress CMS
Package Description
Interacts with the WSU Okta Single Sign-On Server
Package Description
C# client library to access Rent Dynamics APIs