Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebUtilities

Total dependencies: 319

Blazor Realm middleware for connecting to Redux dev tools browser extension.
A .NET standard 2.0 library to allow you to peform second factor authentication using Intensity Analytics TickStream.KeyID. Compatible with .NET core and .NET framework.
Command line tool used to measure REST API test coverage. Tool takes StoryLine.Rest tests execution report and compares it to API information stored in Swagger document.
Utility helps handle uploading large file as well as parse form mapping
Decrypts an OWIN OAuth Bearer token to be used in ASP.NET Core.
This is an unofficial .NET Core 2.0/.NET Framework 4.5 ported version of Microsoft's Microsoft.Bot.Builder package. Before using this package in your project, please manually add the NuGet package CXuesong.Ported.Microsoft.BotBuilder.Autofac. Microsoft Bot Builder is a powerful framework ...
PlutoStudio framework 是由 Pluto Studio 基于PlutoStudio所开发的一系列Api及框架。
Help functions for Azure rest api using IHttpClientFactory injection.
Core functionality for interacting with any of Google's APIs.
Fork of the 1.1.26 version of the Mustachio library for .Net Standard 1.6. Dependency on System.Web was also removed and replaced with for URL Encoding. No other functionality was modified from the original Mustachio code base.
ParallelDots NLP Library
OAuth MessageHandler for dotnetcore; a minimal implementation of the OAuth 1.0 standard for use with HttpClient
PayPal for netcore
NHTSA Vehicle Data Api for dotnet core 2.x NHTSA is the National Highway Safety Administration. This Api only wrapps standard REST calls to their servers.
Unoffical client library for KartverketAPI for .Net Core
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