Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http

Total dependencies: 1346

A Middleware for AspNet-Core-Projects using for Server-Side Request-Logging, providing some basic summaries.
My personal collection of tag helpers for ASP .NET Core
Package Description
ant client for soa
A set of DelegatingHandlers for various HttpClient non-interactive authentication scenarii using Open ID Connect.
ant soa for netcore
Middleware to change the metadata for each url, useful for SPA where you have only one entry point.
Package Description
Services for aspnet core
In case of unhandled exception in asp .net core app this library adds log messages of all levels into log whatever loglevel is set.
ExceptionNotification.Core is a NET core package that provides a set of notifiers for sending exception notifications when errors occur in your NET Core API.
xxl-job is a lightweight distributed task scheduling framework. XxlJob.AspNetCoreHost host the job executor in a aspnetcore application.
爱车保 - 基础核心类
Package Description
Add Alexa.NET.Security to your ASP.NET Core 2.0 request pipeline to validate requests from the Amazon Alexa services.
ASP.NET Core Middleware for limiting access based on IP address
Convert JSON encoded webhooks from Github into an easy to use C# object