Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http

Total dependencies: 1346

Live reload for ASP.NET development
Lightweight, easy to use, generic event endpoint and dispatcher
The Api.ResultWrapper.AspNetCore is a global exception handler and response wrapper for ASP.NET Core APIs. It uses a middleware to capture exceptions and to capture HTTP response to build a consistent response object for both successful and error requests.
A NetCore based REST API client for Azure Devops Services API version 5.0
A Test Library for the 'EdTro.AzureDevOps.NetCore.Client.Api_5_0.Core' package (a NetCore based REST API client for Azure Devops Services API version 5.0)
Simple, Fast, Reliable, Always-Available ASP.NET Core Service Resolver
Extends Azure functions to support routing to handlers, auth, validation and more
PopIdentity Class Library
CyberBizSoft ApiGateway Middleware
SQRL for the .Net Standard runtimes. Secure Quick Reliable Login is a highly secure user privacy based authentication system that removes the need for users to have more than one password for a global identity for more information of the protocal.
Package to enable HttpContext.Current to be used throughout a .net core app. The functionality was left in .net framework, so this helps get it back
Use F# to create and consume flexible, strongly typed web APIs following the JSON:API specification.
mobile platform detector for core
AspNetCore context and request extensions for GitHub webhook events.
Pacote para utilização em Web APIs AspNetCore, esta biblioteca está pré-configurada como um Middleware para armazenmento de logs de de request e reponse no Elastic Search ou qualquer outra aplicação que armazena objsetos Json via chamada Post.
Secure, centralized, configuration for ASPNET.CORE applications.
C# wrapper for the updatedge API
Elmah for ASP.NET Core based on ELMAHCore
Middleware for logging request and building response based by exception