Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web

Total dependencies: 880

Package Description
Services for Blazor WebAssembly
For .Net 5, library of 23 IJSRuntime extension methods gives simplified access to the complete set of JavaScript console functions from Blazor applications. Plus, for convenience, implements 3 common window functions: alert(), confirm() and prompt() and two functions for setting web page titles and ...
Blazor Components used at webenology
A set of controls for developing desktop-like Blazor applications.
Barcode/QRCode Reader and QRCode writer component for Blazor using zxing-js Interop
WriteOnce<T> is a thread-safe value container whose value can be set exactly once. This library includes components used for rendering WriteOnce<T> in Blazor applications.
Popper.js wrapper implementation for Blazor.
Geolocation component for Blazor using jsInterop
Package Description
Package Description
Lite Redux is a simple library that implements state management in the Redux-style
A library with several extensions to Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Forms
Razor Code Display Component
Yet another grid for Blazor
Barcode Scanner component for Blazor using zxing-js Interop
Blazor components
Package Description