Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web

Total dependencies: 880

Blazor Component wrapper for jsGrid (Lightweight Grid jQuery Plugin)
The simpliest way to build the blazor component.
Blazor Binding for OxyPlot
Simple wrapper for Select2 with full support of databases and custom web APIs.
ERP UI libs
A set of Bootstrap 4 controls to simplify markup for forms.
Blazor Select2, the Blazor replacement for select boxes.
Integration of Ionic5 into Blazor
Blazor component for vis.js/vis-network.
Vidazor = Video + Blazor | The HTML5 Video API For Blazor - Vidazor provides a C#/Blazor interface to the HTML5 video API that you normally can only access with JavaScript. The docs are available at
AKSoftware.Localization.MultiLanguages is a .NET library that allows .NET developers to build applications that targets multiple languages very easy just with few lines of code, Blazor extensions helps the library to track the status of the components and update them whenever the SetLanguage functio...
A collection of Blazor custom components. Those components do not use any 3rd party dependencies except for Bootstrap 5. Copyleft licensed. Feel free to download and modify them for your own. The demo project is included to see how to use them.
Provides a transition component which allows to add entering/leaving transitions for any element or component.
A shell toast system that's base uses TailBlazorcss 2.0. It's heavily inspired off Chris Sainty's Blazored.Toast and all credit goes to him for core functionality. This toast service has no styles, or content. You inject an entire renderfragment into the "ShowToast()" method to be able to create 100...
Blazor component that renders customizable Tabs element panel with many tabs and custom content. Part of Majorsoft Blazor library.
Blazor component that renders customizable Toggle switch and Toggle button components. Part of Majorsoft Blazor library.
Provides functionality to interact with the (page) history.
A wysiwyg rich text web editor based on UEditor and Blazor.
This package contains blazor window helper.