Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft ASP.NET Web API 2.2

Total dependencies: 691

A simple tool to test systems that make requests to other servers without expecting a specific response (e.g. Web Hooks).
NEasyMessaging WebApi
A scaffold for building an application with Zurb for Applications and .Net
This is the dedicated Commons Web Library to accopmany my Commons Library, which is a separate package that includes the following features. Constructs to support web environment initialization, as well as various utilities. Packaged libraries (such as Angular, Bootstrap, SignalR, etc.) in e...
An Web API package that simplifies route localization of attribute routes.
Enables WebApi projects to generate their RAML specification.
Preflight is a framework that enables applications to expose a secure service endpoint for running environment verifications. See for more details. This packages contains the core engine and the service model.
Server-Sent Event implementation for ASP.NET WebApi.
This is a simple attribute for deserializing JSON from URI parameters in Microsoft ASP.NET Web API.
Provides basic wrappers around forms authentication
A .NET library with IMS LTI support for Tool Consumer and Tool Provider applications. Supports IMS LTI 1.0, 1.1, 1.1.1 and draft 1.2. This is the last version of the unified LtiLibrary library. Please see LtiLibrary.Core and LtiLibrary.AspNet for newer versions.
Boilerplate components for testable and convenient ASP.NET WebAPI development.