Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft ASP.NET Web API 2.2

Total dependencies: 691

Sematic Web Framework Selp
Package Description
AutoFixture customizations for creating classes that implement ApiController based upon StackOverflow Article:
Provides methods for supplying Its.Log telemetry based from Web API.
Expose monitoring tests and sensors via HTTP for health monitoring, testing in production, integration testing, functionality testing, and smoke testing.
.Net 常用与扩展
WebApi component which adds functionality for automatic server side processing for the famous table plugin for jQuery - DataTables. Supports paging, searching, sorting and custom filters (Less Than, Less than or equal, Greater than, Greater than or equal and Equal) and nested objects.
Test Publish NugetPacket
Toolkit Content Management System
Enables support for using attribute routing with Web API 2 in Sitecore 7.5 and Sitecore 8
Enables support for using attribute routing with Web API 2 in Sitecore 7.5 and Sitecore 8. This package implements the source in your project so you can modify it if needed.
LancheProject api
LancheProject web
A Generic EPiServer Content Api
A C# wrapper for the
This library helps with adding client side certificate mappings to a Web API. It is most useful for developers using Azure Management API. In you WebApiConfig.cs add the following line: config.Filters.Add(new ClientCertificateAuthenticateFilter());