Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft ASP.NET Web API 2.2 Web Host
Total dependencies: 438
Package Description
Reusable ActionFilters for Web Api.
- Automation of non success status responses, with stop execution.
- Request/response validation.
- Logging action filters through NLog with structural logging.
Web API Filter and helper class for storing errors and logs in Azure Cosmos DB.
Lobsta is an opinionated application development framework.
Entity Framework WebAPI + Kendo UI templates for CodeSmith Generator
Utility Classes for ASP.Net MVC
log4net appender for the continuum live log stream tool
mvc and webapi integration of Stardust.Nucleus
Improving web api, mvc, and mediatr integration
The Mef (Dependence injection) for Mvc5 and Mvc6.
ReCloud Core Class Library
Basic Api Requirements with Owin
Provides MEF based composition services for an ASP.NET WebAPI application
SwaggerUI WebApi Document,Base in SashbuckleEx,Added Search Api Name And Added Sinicization,Using CacheInfo