Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft ASP.NET Web API 2.2 Web Host

Total dependencies: 438

The core Libraries that make as part of the CelloSaaS Authorization Server
The runtime assemblies for libraries and applications that use DXP API.
.Net Library for ease configuration and creation of HATEOAS Link.
Create webapi controllers based on decorated interfaces. For use with mvc 5
Extends Swashbuckle 2.18.7 with added error handling
Seamlessly adds a Swagger to WebApi projects! Compiled for .NET 4.5 and up. This helps with mono compatability and does not require any assembly redirects.
AttributeRouting for ASP.NET Web API lets you specify routes using attributes on your API controllers and actions.
Rapid Application Development tool for MVC to generate User Interface with CRUD functionality using Models only
[This package is now legacy. Migrate to NContext.Extensions.AspNet.WebApi.] NContext application component for ASP.NET Web API.
This package is used by the RAML Tools for .NET Visual Studio extension to generate RAML metadata from an existing WebAPI implementation. In Visual Studio, go to Tools -> Extensions and Updates, then search for RAML in the Online gallery.
Vault for Umbraco is an easy-to-use, extensible ORM to quickly and easily get strongly-typed Umbraco CMS data into your views. It allows you to create lightly-decorated classes that Vault will understand how to hydrate. This gives you the full view model-style experience in Umbraco that you are accu...
NJsonApiCore extends a ASP.NET json web service so that it returns JSON in the {json:api} format.
The runtime assemblies for Web Forms applications that use Kentico API.
Xigadee Api Server library is used to construct API gateways to the Microservice.
Auto document all of your WEB APIs and centralize documentation using API platform.
Seamlessly adds a Swagger to WebApi projects!
OSharp Autofac WebApi组件,提供WebApi的Autofac依赖注入功能的封装