Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft ASP.NET Razor

Total dependencies: 615

HubAnalytics.MVC5 Class Library
Query parameter binding for ASP.NET WebAPI
This library provides a way to code C# in a way similar to how you're used to in Razor.Net. I't provides a way to embed views in libraries without having to embed your .cshtml files into your solution as an embedded resource which requires custom path providers and others libraries.
This library provides a NancControllerModule, this creates a Nancy Module which binds methods to routes similar to the way it looks and feels in Mvc.Net.
SuperScript offers a means of declaring assets in one part of a .NET web solution and have them emitted somewhere else. This library allows developers to easily declare HTML templates in MVC Razor views.
MegaCityOne MVC 5 libary
When developing web solutions, assets such as JavaScript declarations or HTML templates are frequently written in a location that differs from their desired output location. SuperScript.Container.Mvc allows developers to easily declare these assets in MVC Razor views.
SuperScript offers a means of declaring assets in one part of a .NET web solution and have them emitted somewhere else. This library contains the functionality for declaring JavaScript on an MVC Razor view and having SuperScript process and relocate this script block.
An out-of-the-box Web API for invoking database stored procedures, transforming the results as JSON, BSON, JSONP, XML, CSV, Excel xlsx, or any text generated by Razor dynamic template. Please visit for detail.
OpenRasta codec for razor templates
Hypermedia API
ASP.NET MVC localization library
Class library for extending System.Web.Mvc libraries
Supplemental data access object based loggers for Bam
Templating using RazorEngine
Cireson Web UI