Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft ASP.NET Razor

Total dependencies: 615

Private package for devaxy developers
An out-of-the-box Web API for invoking database stored procedures, transforming the results as JSON, BSON, JSONP, XML, CSV, Excel xlsx, or any text generated by Razor dynamic template. Please visit for detail.
Este paquete contiene los ensamblados satélites en español para ASP.NET Razor.
Want to build a SPA but can't decide where to start? Use Hot Towelette and in seconds you'll have a SPA and all the tools you need to build on it! * Use Hot Towel for ASP.NET MVC * Use Hot Towelette for ASP.NET (no MVC required) Hot Towelette creates a great starting point for building a SPA with...
Creates a wizard for your MVC 5 application within minutes. This Wizard is a jQuery extension and works with JSON, jQuery, jQuery Validation. You could also use the MVC.Wizard.Sample NuGet package to have a smaple with different options of the wizard.
Implementations of MembershipProvider, RoleProvider, ExtendedMembershipProvider, and RightProvider classes which use a database for their store.
Atlassian Connect Framework for .NET
A library for making windsor super easy
This adds the ability to use razor when building templates for email in Batman.
This package contains only the core library for MvcSiteMapProvider. Use this package if you need to reference the library from a non-MVC project such as a class library.
This package contains only the core library for MvcSiteMapProvider. Use this package if you need to reference the library from a non-MVC project such as a class library.
A collection of Razor @Html helpers to render forms controls for MVC in the particular way that Bootstrap requires in order for validation to work.