Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on MessagePack for C#

Total dependencies: 343

Deprecated package to add System.Collections.Immutable support to MessagePack. This is now built into the main package.
ASP.NET Core MVC Input/Output MessagePack formatter.
A cross-platform .NETStandard library that implements the JSON-RPC wire protocol and can use System.IO.Stream, System.IO.Pipelines or WebSocket so you can use it with any transport.
Snapx support library. This library should be installed into your Console/WPF/Winforms/Avalonia project.
MagicOnion interfaces and abstractions for server and client. Commonly used types: MagicOnion.IService<TSelf> MagicOnion.IStreamingHub<TSelf, TReceiver> MagicOnion.UnaryResult<TResult> MagicOnion.IgnoreAttribute
MessagePack formatters for ASP.NET Core MVC
MessagePack serializer for ArdNet
Extensions of AspNetCore for supporting MessagePack formatting
Provides scale-out support for ASP.NET Core SignalR using a Redis server and the StackExchange.Redis client. This package was built from the source code at
An asynchronous adapter for RabbitMq
A serialize library based on MessagePack
Extremely Fast MessagePack Serializer for C#(.NET, .NET Core, Unity, Xamarin). Extension support for ReactiveProperty.
Package Description
HTTP1 JSON Gateway and Swagger Integration for MagicOnion.
Package Description
一款基于dapr的.netRPC封装。统一了请求编程模型(服务调用/事件/Actor)和服务(基于kestrel router/eventhandle/actorservice提供直接对应用服务的访问)
This library adds support for NodaTime types to MessagePack C#.
A high-performance async/non-blocking redis client components for dotnet core,default support json and protobuf data format
MessagePack formatters for WebApi client (Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client).
Implements the SignalR Hub Protocol over MsgPack. This package was built from the source code at