Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on MessagePack for C#

Total dependencies: 343

Caching layer wrapping Microsoft.Extensions.Caching using MessagePack serialization
Extension classes for ISession and IDistributedCache, enabling the functionality to set or get objects of any type using fast MessagePack serializer with LZ4 compression algorithm.
NetStitch is a Http RPC Framework built on .NetFramework/.NETCore.
A simplified client for working with RabbitMQ.Client. Supports both "fire and forget" and RPC calls.
This library adds support for LanguageExt types to MessagePack C#.
An EGMS RabbitMQ Abstraction
Check for details.
Package Description
This package brings Michelangelo service to Unity editor with many features that make it easier for developers to integrate procedural models into their projects.
Package Description
Hazelcast backplane for SignalR
A high-performance async/non-blocking redis client components for dotnet core,default support json and protobuf data format
redis实现messagebus功能 即时任务 延时任务
MessagePack (de)serialization support for Ardalis.SmartEnum.
Package Description
A Parser for serializing and deserializing .pixi files used by PixiEditor