Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on JWT

Total dependencies: 177

This is a netstandard2.0 port from FuelSDK-CSharp
Twilio 5.X Wrapper .NET Library For thinQ LCR integration
Plugins and utility classes for REST API projects using Mono, ServiceStack, MongoDB and RQL
JsonWebToken DelegatingHandler for ASP.NET Web API
Octokit.Bot provides you with a simple to use framework and easy to start way for building GitHub Apps
Client SDK for working with AcceleratXR powered services.
OWIN intergration package for Jwt.Net
Application Component for the Alliance Business Suite.
Klient usługi eKonto w wersji 2018061301.
El cliente de Aspen es una librería que facilita la conexión con el servicio Aspen de Evertec Colombia.
Simple library that allows to power micro-services architecture.
新增冻结,返回401 强制退出 的公共类库。重大更新,调整可为空的枚举的判断,此类型之前未能按照枚举来正常进行处理。
This is for Jira/Zephyr management in test cycle, test case and execution.