Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on JWT

Total dependencies: 177

Authentication Classes for StandardDot
Pre-release of the Library. Documentation to come.
Twilio REST API helper library
A framework for building Atlassian Connect add ons in C# with ASP.NET Core
json web token support for AspNetCore Identity
JsonWebToken DelegatingHandler for ASP.NET Web API
A .Net GitHub client that allows easy access to Github API, making developing Github apps a breaze.
This is the official OAuth 2.0 C# client SDK for the Playlyfe API. It supports the client_credentials and authorization code OAuth 2.0 flows.
.NET and Xamarin libraries for authentication through the AeroGear mobile services
This is a C# wrapper around the Ghost RESTful API, documented here:
ASP.NET Core intergration package for Jwt.Net
Esta biblioteca será atualizada até o lançamento do NET 6 e será substituida pela nova biblioteca Jarvis.Toolkit. A biblioteca Jarvis.Toolkit já está disponível e possui todas as funcionalidades da biblioteca Jarvis.Utils. Foi desenvolvida sem dependências, de forma mais limpa, eficiente e com um ú...
The Fuel SDK for C# provides easy access to Salesforce Marketing Cloud's (ExactTarge) Fuel API Family services, including a collection of REST APIs and a SOAP API. These APIs provide access to Salesforce Marketing Cloud functionality via common collection types.
Package Description
Smart.OAuth 使用方法: (在Global.asax.cs文件Application_Start方法添加如下代码) //Web Controllers权限校验(Header或者URL或者Cookies上需要添加token参数) Smart.OAuth.SmartOAuth.InitControllerAuthorizeAttribute(GlobalFilters.Filters); //WebAPI权限校验(Header或者URL上需要添加token参数) GlobalConfiguration.Configu...
Package Description
Extension component of TwitchLib. This component allows you to access Twitch's Extension Api system