Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Fody

Total dependencies: 299

Mimick is a Fody add-in which provides a framework for applications including dependency injection, contract validation, method caching, custom aspect decorators, and more.
Allows inlining methods
ResourceTypeWaterbutlerGitlab is a part of the Coscine group.
This package/repository is a fork of Equals.Fody to stick with Fody 4 which still supports MSBuild 15.
Keep track of your libraries. Detect unauthorized consumer applications.
Injects method cache code.
Automated non-public member introspection using Fody & Linq Expressions
Immerse a library inside another library.
A Fody/Mono.Cecil wrapper that provides most basic IL code weaving helpers.
An assembly weaver, based on Fody, that automatically transforms get/set properties into Xamarin bindable properties.
A collection of interceptor implementations. Breaking changes in 3.1.x - See for more information.
CrossPlatformLibrary.FodyTracingAspect is a plug-in for CrossPlatformLibrary's ITracer which allows to trace annotated methods. Simply apply the provided [TracingAspect] annotation and Fody will use your configured ITracer to trace enter/exit of method calls including the duration of the call....
Fody add-in that helps with importing/exporting MEF interfaces.