Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Fody

Total dependencies: 299

An extension for Fody to integrate error handling into async and TPL code.
Abandoned: Converts public fields to properties.
Fody add-in for changing all members to virtual.
Fody add-in that provides custom interception. Supports Net45, NetStandard2.0 and UWP. Method, Property, Constructor and Field interceptors can be found in the package Cauldron.BasicInterceptors (
This is a unofficial Telegram client api library
Add property notification to all classes that implement INotifyPropertyChanging.
Converts all JetBrains ReSharper code annotations attributes to External Annotations, so you can provide R# annotations to 3rd parties but don't need to deploy JetBrainsAnnotations.dll.
Stamps an assembly with git information.
Simple boilerplate for quick and dirty WPF developments.
Injects deep copy constructors and methods for properties.
对 dll 中的的字符串字面量加密,比 CryptStr.Fody 有所改进,用 string[] 对字符串缓存。加密数据写入资源文件。
Transparent Reactive State Management for .NET applications.
Transforms auto properties into xamarin bindable properties.
Transparent Reactive State Management for .NET applications.
Simple injector for Xamarin Android at compile time.
Auto BindableProperty in Xamarin.Forms with Fody.
Aspects is a AOP tool based on Fody, that allow you to encapsulate your code with attributes..
Fody add-in for converting non-public members to public hidden members.
Fody add-in for validation in XAML bindings.
Extra type constraints for Enum and Delegate.