Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Fody

Total dependencies: 299

Compile-time static analysis and optimization for the Stiletto IoC library.
Automatic Spring.Net dependency injection with Fody addins.
Add empty string checks.
Nancy does not have a way to modify model after the route has been executed. The only option is to modify the serialized form. With this add-in it becomes possible to add custom processing of models once the route has been executed but before the result has been serialized.
Yet Another Logging Framework Fody addin.
Automatic Autofac dependency injection with Fody addins.
Automatic Ninject dependency injection with Fody addins.
NOTE: access to original fody package is restored, please find latest versions on this nuget package is not more supported. Fody add-in to decorate arbitrary methods to run code before and after invocation. Fork of
Fork of Simon Cropp's Stamp.Fody ( Stamps an assembly with git information.
Fody plugin that converts automatic C# property into WPF DependencyProperty during build
Exposes members (properties, indexers, methods and events) and optionally implements interface of a field declared in class.
Fody extension to generate RaisePropertyChange notifications for properties and ObservableAsPropertyHelper properties.
Injects code do to easily use throttles. Simply add the Throttled attribute to a method to wire up everything.
CrmLogger.Fody is a Fody add-in that injects logging for function entry, exit, parameters, and return value for Dynamics CRM Logger ( solution.
A sample Fody add-in.
AOP library that subscribes to ReactiveProperty and tracks events.
Track running state of methods with a boolean property