Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on FluentAssertions

Total dependencies: 314

Package Description
A unit test library for .NET that allows you to build tests for FluentValidation rules in easy way.
FluentAssertions extensions for WireMock.Net
Akka.NET TestKit for SQL-based ADO.NET Persistence middleware
Testkit for Persistence actor support for Akka.NET
Fluent Assertions extensions for Newtonsoft.Json
Opinionated acceptance testing framework.
Lightweight projection handling infrastructure.
Consolidation package that includes all the packages I use for testing that I can install at once, as well as an example of controlling dummy creation using OBeautifulCode.AutoFakeItEasy.
Fluent Assertions extensions for ASP.NET Core MVC.
A Reqnroll bindings library for Power Apps.
Atc.Rest.FluentAssertions is a collection of assertion helpers for writing tests of Atc types.
Additional tools for testing software
eShopWorld common test stack
Infrastructure unit-tests to validate assemblies.
This package provides extensions to FluentAssertions for the Functional.Primitives package.
Library to ease the use ASP.NET Core web testing.
FluentAssertions extensions to use with the Serilog.Sinks.InMemory package
Podfather API helper library