Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on FluentAssertions

Total dependencies: 314

Classes to support unit testing WPF applications, in particular those built with Bsw.Wpf.Utilities
Extensions for ExpectedObjects library.
Fluent Assertions extensions for ASP.NET MVC 3.
A bit more extension methods based on FluentAssertions that allow you to more naturally specify the expected outcome of a xTDD test or specification.
Unit test stack with Xunit, AutoFixture, NSubstitute and some helpers
Collection of test tools and libraries. Collection of test tools and references to other packages and libraries that I use for my test cases.
Proactive NetStandard testing meta-package.
Oragon.Common a support for Oragon projects
A test framework to help writing unit tests upon CQELight system
Kraken library for writing unit tests with MSTest v2.